This is bebue

We are all bebue - that's the most important message we want to give you. For us it's important to give you a heads up, the little push and/or this spark of motivation you need to follow your dreams. We believe in affirmations and the law of attraction. So why not use your clothes to show the world and yourself everyday what's on your mind. We are here with you, through all the ups and downs a real independent woman of this time faces.

And when we say independent we don't mean you have to have your own business or you have to be a mother or you have to be successful in some other way society tells us to be independent. For us this word means so much more. It starts with your thoughts and it ends with every act where you decide by your own what you want. And if this means you want to make a ton of money and don't have kids this is great! If this means you want to raise a soccer club and take care of your family this is amazing, too! Maybe it means you're staying in a whole day and do nothing but Netflix even though all the other days you slay.

As long as it is your decision. 

Independent women are empowered to follow their own path as fearless females.